the Catholic Journey

Join us on the Journey
Catholic and Christian insights, health tips, and financial advice
The Catholic Journey is a source for inspiring, philosophical reflections on the world as I write about every aspect of life. Join me in my journey growing as a Catholic and Christian man, as I navigate the highs and lows of daily life in Christ. This site has a twofold goal - I want to share my experiences and encouragement with the world, to show that a life in Christ is a continual process, and also to document my own journey as part of my personal growth from anxiety feelings of lack of purpose. I also post about health and wellness advise, financial advice, and other tips and tricks to improve your life.

My name is Michael. I am a young Catholic man with an interesting journey through my faith. While not a cradle-Catholic, I really found my faith through personal experience in multiple steps through my younger high school years, and again towards the end of my time in college. Join me in my journey growing as a Catholic and Christian man, as I navigate the highs and lows of daily life in Christ. I am starting this site with a twofold goal. I want to share my experiences and encouragement with the world, to show that a life in Christ is a continual process, and also to document my own journey as part of my personal growth from anxiety feelings of lack of purpose. I also post about health and wellness advice, financial advice, and other tips and tricks to improve your life.

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does”